Bluestacks 2 for PC free download, latest and biggest update of Bluestacks. Now use multiple apps at single time with Bluestacks 2 emulator. It includes all the file versions available to download off Uptodown for that app. Download rollbacks of BlueStacks App Player for Mac. Any version of BlueStacks App Player distributed on Uptodown is completely virus-free and free to download at no cost. 4.270.1 May 24th, 2021. 4.240.5 Jan 14th, 2021.
Download BlueStacks 2 Full Version free setup for windows. This BlueStacks 2 is famous and acclaimed Android emulator that allows users to run their favorite mobile apps and games in full screen using a PC or Mac.
BlueStacks 2 Full Version Overview

BlueStacks 2 is the best tools you have are your eyes and your brain for running the mobile apps and games on PC. It offers an intuitive and graphical user interface which is easiest to understand and one does not need any kind of specific training to work on this application. The new and improved version of BlueStacks offers more useful features. With this new version now users can easily run multiple apps at once on the PC. The old version has restrictions and users were only able to run one app at a time.
Furthermore, there are also tremendous improvements in compatibility, stability, speed and performance of emulated apps. The excellent windows customization feature makes it possible for the users to set screen mode, resize the window as per choice. Furthermore, users can also take advantage of its cloud connect to sync the phone with PC. It offers a completely new and fast environment to its users so they can enjoy their desired Android apps and games on PC.
Features of BlueStacks 2 Full Version
- Allows users to run their favorite app and games on PC
- Well structured and clear design
- Easy to use and install
- Customizable windows with resizing screen option
- Allow downloading the Android games and apps
- Cloud connect to sync phone with the PC
System Requirements for BlueStacks 2 Full Version
- Operating Systems (win XP, win Vista, win 7, win 8, win 8.1 and win 10)
- Installed Memory (RAM): 2 GB Recommended
- 4 GB HDD
- File Name: BlueStacks2.exe
- File Size: 283 MB

Download BlueStacks 2 Full Version Free
Bluestacks 2 Download Windows 10
Click on the link given below to download BlueStacks 2 free setup. This is the complete offline setup of BlueStacks 2 which has excellent compatibility with both 32bit and 64bit operating systems. You may also like to download Rooted BlueStacks App Player 3.5.